Facundo Olano

I have over 15 years of experience in the software industry, most recently working as a tech lead and backend engineer.

I’m more of a problem-solver than a technologist: I try to keep a business perspective in software discussions and provide technical insight to non-engineers. I tend to assume a leadership role in the teams I integrate, leading by example and from experience rather than title. Because I think that software development is primarily a human activity, I place a high value on effective communication and knowledge sharing.

I designed, developed, and operated large-scale distributed systems using various technologies and programming languages (Python, Erlang, Elixir, Rust, JavaScript, AWS, PostgreSQL). I also have significant experience in technical writing, legacy modernizations, project management, DevOps, and full-stack web development. I write about software on my blog and have published several Open-Source Software projects.


Selected writings

Selected projects

  • software-papers: a curated list of papers for software engineers.
  • feedi: a personal news feed and mastodon client.
  • google-play-scraper: a node.js library to scrape app data from the Google Play store.
  • rpg-cli: a command-line role-playing game written in Rust.
  • jorge: a personal static site generator with org-mode support.


Software Engineering @Universidad de Buenos Aires 2006 - 2013
6-year career program, similar to a master’s degree. Focused on Sciences, Systems Programming and Software Design.

Graduate Advisor @Universidad de Buenos Aires 2020 - 2022
As a graduate member of the Curricular Commission I contributed to the design of the new Software Engineering career program.

Professional Experience


Software Engineering Consultant Mar 2024 - Present
Assist an early-stage startup building a data extraction service around Large Language Models. Python - Flask - LLMs - Azure

@NextRoll 4 years 5 months

Senior Software Engineer Feb 2018 - Jul 2022
As part of the Real-time bidding team, I worked on design, development, maintenance and operation of the bidding service and its support systems. These were decade-old systems, deployed to 2000 servers across the world, with high traffic and low latency restrictions. Operations work included infrastructure set up, deploys, monitoring, and production incident handling.

I assumed informal leadership of the team during its 3x growth and collaborated in projects with internal and external stakeholders (Engineering, Product, Legal, Supply, Ad Exchanges, Service providers).

Some of the work efforts I led at NextRoll:

  • Streamline and automate new exchange integrations, a process that went from a couple of months to a couple of weeks.
  • Automate several periodic operational tasks, in particular reducing deploy time from 6 hours to 45 minutes.
  • Modernize and decomission legacy systems.
  • Implement a tool to assess canary deploy health from DataDog metrics, using Pandas.
  • Profile and optimize the server performance with the specific goal of infrastrcuture cost savings.
  • Redesign, prototype and future-proof systems in preparation for privacy-related changes in the Ad Tech industry.
AdTech - Distributed Systems - DevOps - Erlang - Python - Elixir - JavaScript - PostgreSQL - AWS - Terraform - Datadog

@LambdaClass 5 years 7 months

Staff Software Engineer Jun 2017 - Dec 2022
As the third engineer to join the company I reported directly to the CEO and had a key role in its 20x growth.

In addition to client project assignments with one of the customers I worked on:

  • Developing Open-Source Software.
  • Designing the hiring pipeline and interviewing candidates.
  • Writing technical guidelines and research documents for the rest of the company.
  • Mentoring and advising other engineers.
  • Organizing two editions of the BuzzConf conference as well as Erlang, Rust and Clojure, meetups.

During my last year, I provided technical leadership for 20 people in a newly formed organization within the company. I started a Platform Team to support the rest of the organization and later led a distributed systems research and development effort. Distributed Systems - Erlang - Python - Rust - Elixir - ClojureScript - WebRTC - Terraform - AWS - Nomad

@Mad Mobile 1 year 4 months

Senior Software Engineer Mar 2016 - Jun 2017
As part of the Core Services team, I designed and developed a Backend as a Service platform to support the mobile applications developed by the company. The platform, implemented by a set of microservices, provided integration with external services as well as support functionality like authentication, authorization, analytics and caching.

I led the development of some of the most complex features of the platform such as a decentralised system for environment migrations and On-Premise to Cloud communications through a cluster of Web Sockets. Distributed Systems - Microservices - Node.js - Clojure - MongoDB - RabbitMQ - ElasticSearch - Redis - socket.io

@TappedOut.net 10 months

Software Engineer Mar 2015 - Dec 2015
Software development for a MTG online community. In addition to the base web application, I implemented a companion Android app and a web-based draft simulator. Python - Django - Node.js - Redis - PostgreSQL - Neo4j - socket.io - ElasticSearch - JQuery - Android

@Globant 1 year 8 months

Tech Lead @National Geographic May 2013 - Dec 2014
As part of the Services Team, I designed and developed a set of RESTful services used by systems across the organization (CMS backend, authentication & authorization, taxonomy graph database). As the leader of a team of 4 engineers, I interviewed candidates, mentored new members of the team, scoped projects and acted as the technical touchpoint between the customer and the consultancy managers. Python - Django - DjangoRestFramework - ElasticSearch - Haystack - PostgreSQL - WSO2

@Freelance 2 years 11 months

Python/Django Developer Jul 2010 - May 2013
Full stack development of web applications for both local and US-based customers:

  • FreeSwitch web controller and real-time call-center management. Deployed to SheevaPlug servers and integrated to USB LCD displays.
  • Reverse auctions Facebook app with real-time interface updates. Facebook credits and PayPal integration.
  • App Store catalog. Consumption of the Apple’s Enterprise Partner Feed (Tables of 60+ millons of records). Caching, database and query optimizations.
  • Digital Contracts management web application.
  • Professional social network.
Python - Django - MySQL - PostgreSQL - Solr - Haystack - Celery - RabbitMQ - Apache - nginx - JQuery

@Globant 1 year 7 months

Java Developer Jan 2008 - Aug 2008
Development of Enterprise applications. Java - Hibernate - Spring - Spring MVC - Struts - MySQL

QA Analyst Feb 2007 - Dec 2007
Testing of web, desktop and mobile applications. Test cases design. Load testing with JMeter.